We are the largest ecosystem of alternative assets in Latin America

Hurst Capital exists with the goal of expanding access to alternative assets, generating higher returns and lower volatility for your investment portfolio.

We are the largest ecosystem of alternative assets in Latin America
Aplicativo da Hurst

How it all began

Founded in 2017, Hurst Capital was born with the mission of democratizing access to alternative assets, which were previously only accessible to high net worth individuals.

As these investments have a high correlation with the traditional market, these assets are ideal for diversifying your portfolio. This is because they tend to increase portfolio returns and reduce volatility.

Our Platform




Launched Operations

Cumulative Distribution until 2Q 23

R$ 300 MM


It all started from the realization that alternative assets, which were previously restricted to large investors, would be a great differential in anyone's portfolio profitability.


The demand for this type of asset increased, especially people looking to diversify with investments that are uncorrelated with traditional market assets, such as the Stock Market and fixed income securities.

Alternative assets

It was from this need that we arrived at alternative assets, which had already become popular worldwide during the subprime crisis in 2008 and had proven to be quite resilient during the crisis.

Our Story

Throughout our history, Hurst has become a reference in alternative assets in Latin America.

Currently, Hurst has over 110,000 investors and has originated over R$ 1 billion in investment opportunities with a return rate of around 20% per year.

Today, Hurst already has investors distributed in more than 10 countries and has established itself as a leader in the alternative assets market.

All operations available on our platform go through a rigorous due diligence process, which further reduces the risk for the investor.

The purpose is to continue working towards democratizing access to alternative assets, educating the market with a focus on the investor. Offering the best, with the intention of making your money grow even more.

Notebook com dashboard ilustrativo

Track Records

R$ 257,119,564.00

Total Invested

21.1% p.a

Average Annual Return

R$ 259,153,634.23

Investor Return*

Our Purpose is to explore opportunities in inefficient markets to universalize investments in alternative assets.

Meet our leaders:

See who makes Hurst happen every day for you to invest better and with more security.

  • Arthur Farache

    Arthur Farache

    Co-Founder, CEO

  • Carlos Carvalho

    Carlos Carvalho

    Co-Founder, CTO

  • Daniel Motta

    Daniel Motta

    Co-Founder, COO

Work with us

Throughout our history, Hurst has become a reference in alternative assets in Latin America.

Currently, Hurst has over 110,000 investors and has originated over R$ 1 billion in investment opportunities with a return rate of around 20% per year.

Today, Hurst already has investors distributed in more than 10 countries and has established itself as a leader in the alternative assets market.

Download our App

Invest today and protect the future of your wealth. The largest ecosystem of alternative assets in Latin America, we have originated over R$ 1 billion for more than 110,000 investors.


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Completed operations that yielded returns of 14% to 40% per year to our 110,000+ investors.

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Your money earns much more


Email: investidor@hurst.capital

Phone: 11 91698-5651 (whatsapp)

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1195 Gomes de Carvalho St - Vila Olímpia, São Paulo - SP, 04547-004.

9am to 6pm - Monday to Friday. Except holidays.


Hurst Capital - Copyright © 2023 - All rights reserved

We specialize in alternative assets. Operated by Hurst Capital Ltda. (“Hurst Capital”), a company specialized in the origination, structuring, and distribution of alternative assets that do not qualify as securities under Law No. 6,385/76. Always read the essential information about the operations carefully, especially the risk alert section.

The small business company and the offer presented on this platform are automatically exempt from registration by the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission - CVM. The CVM does not review the offers in advance. The offers made do not imply any guarantee by the CVM regarding the accuracy of the information provided, compliance with current legislation, or judgment on the quality of the small business company. Before accepting an offer, carefully read the essential information about the offer, especially the risk alert section.